There has been a lot of hype in recent years around the medicinal benefits of Cannabidiol products (CBD). CBD is one of the common cannabinoids that can be found in the Cannabis Sativa plant, the other being the psychoactive compound Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Cannabis and derivative products have, for well over a century, been widely classified as controlled substances. The possession or use of these products was considered a crime in many jurisdictions and was punishable with jail time. Since the 1970s there was a move towards legalizing cannabis or at the very least decriminalizing it, making it possible to use for clinical trials. The 21st century has seen the use, possession and even cultivation of cannabis being legalized on a much larger scale. The years of prohibition hampered legitimate research efforts, so little was known about cannabinoids and the full extent of their potential benefits. Since the widespread approval of CBD usage, this has changed significantly. Numerous research projects reported an array of medicinal uses and benefits to the human body.
There is widespread expectation that, as more becomes known about the benefits of CBD products and any possible non-harmful effects, more countries will legalize the usage. Some believe CBD products will soon be as legal as tobacco and alcohol in the next decade. But when it comes to your health which one should you choose when you compare CBD flower vs oil?
What are CBD flower products?
CBD flower is a dried bud of a cannabis or hemp plant. Hemp typically contains very low levels of THC. What many people may not know is that hemp and cannabis are the same species of plant, Cannabis Sativa. Hemp refers to strains that contain less than 0.3% THC while cannabis contains a bit more. This is the legal threshold in many countries and the reason why some hemp products may be legal while cannabis is not.
Many CBD users prefer to side with flower products when it comes to CBD flower vs oil comparisons because the flower is more natural. CBD flowers typically contain the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes. The cannabinoids, when ingested together, interact with each other to deliver the entourage effect. This is when the effect of the cannabinoids is magnified by the interaction between them. Although CBD is present in all strains of Cannabis Sativa, it is more commonly obtained from hemp. CBD flower from cannabis strains with higher THC concentrations usually causes an intoxicating effect which most users try to avoid.
How do you use CBD flower products?
CBD flower is typically smoked like a cigarette or vaped using a dry herb vaporizer. In both applications, the effect is felt almost immediately. When CBD is inhaled, it is absorbed into the bloodstream instantly. It is then carried directly to the brain where the full effect takes mere seconds to manifest.
On the flip side, many potential CBD users are put off by the stigma attached to inhaling smoke or vapours. There is a long history of incontrovertible evidence of lung damage and disease caused by smoking. Hemp and cannabis have, however, been found to be far less harmful to the lungs than tobacco or vaping products. In this aspect, the CBD flower vs oil question may find support with most of the proponents of using CBD hemp drops.
What is CBD Hemp Oil?
CBD hemp oil is an extract derived from the cannabis plant. Before consumption and packaging, it is mixed with a carrier solvent such as hemp seed oil, sunflower oil or a variety of other seed oils. If it would be used in its pure form, it would be far too potent. Although overdosing on CBD is considered very unlikely, excessive consumption may cause very unpleasant side effects.
CBD hemp oil is available in three base forms.
- CBD Isolate is pure CBD and contains no other cannabinoids or compounds normally present in the cannabis plant.
- Broad spectrum CBD has a high CBD content together with some of the other cannabinoids and terpenes. It does not, however, usually contain any more than just trace quantities of THC.
- Full-spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids and terpenes in the natural proportions, although the THC has been reduced to a maximum of 0.2%. When comparing CBD flower vs oil products, it’s worth noting that the flower products will always be full spectrum.
CBD hemp drop products are also available in different concentrations. The concentration is measured in mg of CBD per ml of oil or as a percentage. CBD content can go as high as 40%, although it is more commonly in the range of 5% to 15%. The concentration is very important when calculating the desired dosage. Higher concentrations require smaller quantities of oil to deliver the same dose of CBD.
How do you use CBD hemp drop products?
The most common application is to ingest it orally. Some edible products and beverages contain varying amounts of CBD. Common edibles include gummies, chocolates and various types of baked treats. Drinkable CBD comes in the form of teas and infusions or soda-type beverages. This is also a fact to consider when comparing CBD flower vs oil products.
CBD hemp drops can be placed directly under the tongue using a dropper. Many people prefer this option as this is probably the fastest and the most precise way to control dosage and results in fast absorption. CBD drops can also be mixed into creams and lotions for topical skin usage or in shampoo products to alleviate conditions like dandruff.
Dosage frequency depends on the user, the desired effect and the chosen delivery method. A good starting point is to take the total daily intake in three equal doses spread throughout the day. Dosage amounts and frequencies can be gradually adjusted until the optimum results are achieved.
CBD Flower vs Oil Comparison?
There is no easy way to choose between CBD flower vs oil. The flower products give you quicker results through inhalation, while you get more accurate dosing options with CBD hemp drops. Some users might be concerned about the potential dangers of smoking or vaping while others might see it as a means of quitting cigarettes. The CBD flower vs oil decision is a personal choice. If still in doubt, you can try various options by shopping here, before settling on a final choice.
We offer CBD products for every taste offers you a comprehensive range of CBD products. All of our products are purely organic and cultivated on outdoor farms in accordance with regulations. With worldwide shipping and a wide choice of payment methods, we have CBD products to suit your individual needs or preferences. Whichever way you’re leaning in the CBD flower vs oil decision, you can find the best of both worlds on our website.